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Latest Happenings

Ullwater weekend - here's a short account and some photos.

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Good turnout on 6th July - and a good time was had by all ... except the poor member who dropped a phone in the water! See photos.

Working Party 30th June - 10 members managed a great deal! Weeds burnt off all the paving, car park & road vegetation tamed, some car park reclaimed from the undergrowth, stones cleared from the reservoir bed and stacked at the edge of the rigging area.

Anglesey 21st June weekend - good but not easy windsurfing in F5 and big swell at Rhosneigr Friday, then easier F4 Saturday, while others stayed at Newborough for a good high tide session there on Saturday. Some of our wingfoilers were at Rhosneigr too.

Wingfoil Coaching 12th May - all participants gave positive feedback! Norbert got properly on the foil and Scott managed his longest foiling run to date - just 2 examples. Thank you to Coach, Ben, and to Gabby for organising and helpers Fred and Dave Martin.

Gate Code - the number for the combination lock on the bottom gate has now changed. Contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or other committee member if you prefer this than using your key.

Storm Kathleen, 6th April - check it out here - truly wild conditions!

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AGM & Working Party - read a short account.

Wind-SUPs - members can now use 2 O'Shea inflatable wind-SUPs for paddleboarding, light wind windsurfing, or beginner windsurfing. Have a look at our latest acquisition when you next visit. It also means our Tabou Coolrider beginner windsurf boards are looking for new homes. Contact a committee member to make an offer.

Booking System - Please use the booking system button above to book your visit. This works best if you load the google sheets app on your phone.

'For Sale' - Members can post adverts on this online spreadsheet to advertise any kit you want to sell.

Pre-Christmas - while it was party time for some, 3 brave/crazily ambitious members gave 20 to 50mph wind a go on Friday 22nd! Another 3 sensible members watched on and decided against.

Storm Elin, 9th December - here's a short acount and a few photos ...

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A busy weekend to end July - see how it went here

15/16th July 2023 Social Weekend - here's a short account of how it went and looked (see separate gallery views for days 1 & 2) - click.

July got off to a great start with a full weekend of Force 5 westerly wind and 12 to 20 people on the water. Take a look here

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Inland Sea, June 2023 - see a short write-up and photos here.

Great June watersports conditions - we've been blessed with sunshine and strong Easterly winds for 3 consecutive days. See some of the action here.

Paddleboarding green light - United Utilities have confirmed they are satisfied and we can SUP indefinitely. 

RYA Tracker app - for improved safety while sailing at sea with a mobile phone you can use this app to alert friends/family and provide your location.

Wing foiling - our webpage is a great guide to getting started! Here is some wingfoiling action and a blog with some useful advice if you're tempted by winging.

May Back to the Water weekend - 7 members camped Sat and Sunday, while some also stayed on late for a BBQ, drinks, table football & watching foiling on YouTube on Sat night. On the water there was a healthy mix of windsurfing, wingfoiling & paddleboarding in mostly light winds for Saturday. With less wind Sunday, attention shifted to canoeing & kayaking. Not the windiest weekend, but a successful and very sociable event anyway!

Betwixtmas - after the excesses of Christmas, it was finally time to knuckle down to some proper pleasure.

West Kirby day trip - check out some photos when a few members played away!

Anglesey Trip - Here's a short account and plenty of photos from a memorable weekend in June 2022.

What 3 Words - the location of the Club in this app is moss.gladiators.deed.

First Aid - 8 members attended a very good course at the Club on 30th April. In the nicest possible way, let's hope you don't need their services!

Annual General Meeting - click here for a short summary of what was discussed.

Club Rules - Okay, we know it's not a very sexy topic, but we'd be obliged if members would take a look anyway! We've just updated them too.

Windfoiling, beginner to expert - WPWC member, Jennie Roberts is competing in the World Championships in St Moritz, but has taken time out to write a short article for us about her experience to date. This follows on from John Lymer's article about his early attempts at windfoiling. Both articles can be found here.

World speed record - There's fast and then there's Bjorn Dunkerbeck!  He's broken the world speed record again at Luderitz, Namibia with 56 knots = 64 mph = 104 km/h! See what that looks like here

Olympic Windsurfing - Well done to Emma Wilson for taking Olympic Bronze in RS:X Windsurfing! The medal race was run in a wind of about 6 knots, so it was pumping all the way. In the mens, Tom Squires managed 7th place. For Paris in 2024 RS:X will be dropped in favour of IQ foilboards.

Here's our first paddleboarding dog ....! Apparently, it was only his 3rd time and he's still learning, but he does have his own lifejacket. More photos here

We warmly welcome Wing Foiling to Watergrove - check it out here! And see a short video here. Interested in learning?

See latest resuscitation guidance here

Canoeing Video - Here is a video shot at Watergrove in 2020. Who knew there are this many different strokes that can be done when paddling?!

Tridem smashes world speed record! On 18th July a French team clocked an astonishing 67.17 knots (77 mph). See Windsurf magazine and YouTube. We have one hanging in the clubhouse. It's never been quite so quick, but we can always give it another try ....?!



West Pennine Windsurfing Club
Watergrove Reservoir
OL12 9NT

WPSC is a not-for-profit Community Amateur Sports Club trading as WPWC