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Social Weekend, July 24

Words & photos - John Lymer

Is wind the must-have ingredient for a successful Windsurfing Club weekend? Many of us tend to think so ... but we’d be wrong! The Westerly wind was generally less than 10mph on Saturday and perhaps 7mph Sunday. The sun shone much of Sunday and later on Saturday and rain stayed away - all very welcome. Easily nice enough for a barbecue and drinks in the Saturday evening sunshine and picnic rugs were out on Sunday! 10 members and guests stayed over and there were regular comings and goings of many more during both days. A few windsurfed, more tried paddleboarding, some kayaked and a few were wingfoiling. Dave and John even mastered several tacks and a gybe on the club’s tandem windsurf board. It’s so nice to have choices! It's also one of the benefits, as we perhaps morph into an all-round watersports club - we're seeing more activity in light/no wind and a bit more family appeal. 

Feedback was ... "when can we do it again?!" So, what's next? Well, perhaps we can tempt you ... with a Working Party?! That's on 18th August and it may feature a barbecue lunch. I know it's not quite the same as an activity weekend, but if you spot a windy weekend coming up over the Summer and want to camp, just email us or post a message on the Shoutbox. We'll go ahead if a few members are interested.

Graham shot some footage of the weekend's activities on his Go Pro and at other times with a drone, while John took a few stills. Graham's video is on the Club’s YouTube channel and here are a few photos … 

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West Pennine Windsurfing Club
Watergrove Reservoir
OL12 9NT

WPSC is a not-for-profit Community Amateur Sports Club trading as WPWC