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XC Weather

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Met Office

Words & photos - John Lymer

When will Summer start? That's what we're all asking isn't it, except maybe Mark who wore a shortie anyway? Just 12C when I got to the Club. Thankfully, the sun made an appearance soon after and the day finished on 15C. Should we be glad of 15C in July?! The wind was good and xcweather continues to get the forecast right - strong Force 4 from mid-afternoon (a bit less in the photos). The 10 members windsurfing and wingfoiling made the most of it. Gabby was gybing proficiently, Geoff looks so nearly there and Norbert is getting up on the foil a bit. The windsurfers managed some nice gybes and good speed too. The only negative was the mobile phone which was lost without trace in the reservoir despite a great deal of searching!

Click on a picture to see larger images then use the arrows or swipe to scroll through them


This year the club is offering subsidised coaching / instruction for members ....

We had Wing Foil coaching for improvers / intermediates mid-May for anyone with prior experience and comfortable using foiling kit (not necessarily on the foil) at one of the following levels:

  • Taxiing, but looking to get first flights.
  • Have achieved first flights, but looking for sustained flights and developing skills for staying upwind.
  • Comfortable on the foil and able to keep upwind, working on improved riding, gybes, toeside and beyond.

We are looking to hold a similar session for beginners but have had to postpone it due to the low reservoir level which prevents us from launching the safety boat. This may now take place in November, otherwise we'll try and sort it out for around May next year.

It will likely be a morning and afternoon session and the cost may be around £35 per session  depending on numbers.

If you’d like to take part, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

We’re also looking to arrange windsurf and windfoil coaching for members.

Words and photos - John Lymer

15 turned out on Saturday 6th April, all hoping it wouldn't be quite as windy as advertised. With gusts to 60mph that turned out to be very wrong! Most had a go; a short go (Graham, one of our beginner/intermediates managed a 30 meter stretch before throwing in the towel). My rib will be sore for a while after catapulting heavily onto the boom, Norbert damaged his board, our club banners were both damaged ... so business not quite as usual! But 5C warmer than it had any right to be did at least feel good ... and 3 new members signed up.

WindIMG 7823

By Sunday people were expecting similar ... and they got it - 60mph gusts again! This time there were just 2 out. Mild again, but the rain arrived, it got colder and the wind dropped. Here are a few photos of Darren while it was howling (Mark came in as I arrived) ...

Click on a picture to see larger images then use the arrows or swipe to scroll through them





West Pennine Windsurfing Club
Watergrove Reservoir
OL12 9NT

WPSC is a not-for-profit Community Amateur Sports Club trading as WPWC